Anyway, here are the rules:
1. The title of your entry must be "My 7 Dream Cars"
2. Add a link to the person who tagged you...Mimi Kee
3. List your 7 dream cars [preferably with pics of those cars]
4. Tag at least 7 other bloggers
Nah ini la kunuk dream cars ku....
1. The title of your entry must be "My 7 Dream Cars"
2. Add a link to the person who tagged you...Mimi Kee
3. List your 7 dream cars [preferably with pics of those cars]
4. Tag at least 7 other bloggers
Nah ini la kunuk dream cars ku....

Jaguar C-XF

Mercedes McLaren SLR

Red Hot...Ferrari

Mercedes Benz Ocean Drive

Audi Nuvolari
And, I would like to tag....
1. Azlena
2. Mummy Zahin
3. Ebster
4. Ellena
5., 6, 7....sesiapa saja yang bacablog ni...
cantik kad kawin!! baru dpt tadi...mesti mahal sbb hard cover...
tq tq..siapa hantar? jemput datang ya! biasa la disini..kalau buat di jakarta ndak sampai pun RM4 sekeping..
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